Why are dreams important and where can they take us in life? How do we overcome the fear of the new or why do we need to persevere on the path to our success and happiness?
Articles that are focused on difficult situations in the work environment, in interpersonal relationships or in our personal development. What does not kill you makes you stronger.
Why are dreams important and where can they take us in life? How do we overcome the fear of the new or why do we need to persevere on the path to our success and happiness?
A long-planned winter holiday, which brought us unpleasant surprises and almost robbed us of our sanity...
The first few obstacles that made our departure difficult. Will we arrive safely at the first stop of our route?
The first stop, which was supposed to save us and at the same time reassure us that everything will go smoothly... or will it?
The adventure trip to Parndorf went well. We arrived at the hotel in good health and looked forward to enjoying the next days. Really?
A constant flow of thoughts, unpleasant analyses, and scenarios in dark situations... Why do we always think the worst? How can our thoughts weaken us?... Learn from my personal experience...
Perfectionism is the pursuit of perfection, which does not exist and is not really fashionable... So why do we keep trying to achieve the impossible? My cure for perfection is recorded here...
Gossip makes the world go round, and some gather information from others like a treadmill. Why do people care more about the lives of others instead of focusing on their own and creating value?
Forgiveness does not mean revealing weakness but rather respect for yourself. Forgiveness releases our past pain and allows us to move on... Don't you believe? Take a look at my review...
New York - a city of possibilities and love. My obsession with this show became my life mantra, influencing my relationships and my life itself. The four relationship experts have always managed to entertain and move me.
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