Our two faces - why are we different on holiday than in everyday life?
Have you ever noticed how you magically transform the moment you turn on the "Out of office" auto-response? We're thinking of packing our new dresses and parading around with tanned skin for all to see. We look forward to the countless exotic cocktails we'll drink that no one will judge us for, and most importantly, we'll unplug our heads from the reach of work necessities that have a deadline burning.
The promise of a vacation can turn even the most stubborn corporate queen into a carefree goddess - or at least someone who can sleep past 6 a.m. without setting three alarms.
In this article, we'll explore the fun and fascinating reasons why we women often have two faces: one for everyday life and one for holiday fun...
1.From tight suits to invigorating naps
During a typical workday, many of us are in performance mode.
We manage teams, meetings, deadlines, and often a finely tuned symphony of family logistics.
During the holidays, however, suits are swapped for swimsuits and the most important decision of the day is whether to head to the beach or the pool first.
This shift isn't just about relaxation, it's a necessary untethering of our everyday personalities that allows us to recharge and reconnect with ourselves beyond the confines of productivity.
TIP: Before your next vacation, set an intention to truly unplug. Leave your laptop at home and turn off email notifications. Your work will survive a week or two without you, I promise!
2. The social butterfly effect
When we're on vacation, we tend to look different in society.
If you're normally a bit of an introvert, the anonymity that comes with being away from your usual surroundings can be liberating.
Holidays bring out the social butterfly in many of us, flitting from one new person to the next, which can be a nice contrast to our often more reserved everyday selves.
A little joke from life doesn't hurt: Why did the introvert go to the party? To meet his alter ego!
3. Culinary adventures versus comfort food
At home, we may be the queen of food preparation, carefully planning healthy meals for the week. On vacation, however, all dietary bets are off. It's time to dive into the local cuisine with gusto! Who wants to count calories when there's ice cream to eat and paella to sample? This culinary daring often reflects our overall holiday behavior - we're more open-minded, experimenting, and indulging.
TIP: Try bringing some of your holiday culinary adventures home. By cooking a dish from your travels, you can keep the holiday spirit going on a weeknight.
4. Clothes: Comfortably elegant
Have you ever noticed that your holiday wardrobe tends to be much more colorful and loose-fitting than your everyday clothes? Vacations encourage us to express parts of our personality that we might keep under wraps during our regular lives.
Plus, it's a joy to dress without the constraints of office regulations or having to rush out the door.
I'm not saying my holiday wardrobe is any different, but even my suitcase is starting to loosen up when I pack.
5. Risky at sea, career averse
The same woman who carefully calculates risks at work may find herself ziplining through canyons on vacation or trying out kitesurfing on a whim. Vacation provides a safe space to experiment and take on challenges without the looming fear of failure that often accompanies our professional endeavors.
TIP: Bring a little holiday risk-taking into your everyday life. Small challenges can lead to big rewards and can reignite passion in your professional and personal life.
One of the coolest aspects of the holidays is the ability to make spur-of-the-moment decisions. At home, we often follow a calendar where every hour is accounted for - from household chores to intimate moments with our partner.
But on vacation? That's when the magic of spontaneity kicks in...
6. The thrill of the unknown
On holiday, every day is a potential surprise.
When you wake up and decide to take a boat to an unseen part of the island or book a last-minute spa, because why not, it's excitingly unpredictable.
This break from routine invigorates our spirits and can lead to unforgettable memories.
How many plans does it take to spoil a holiday? More than zero!
7. New experiences, new YOU
With spontaneity comes the opportunity to try things you don't usually get to try. Have you ever found yourself dancing under the stars at a beach party while you're watching your favorite show in your pajamas at home? These new experiences can not only add excitement, but also help us discover new layers of our personalities.
TIP: Say YES to something you'd normally say no to - like salsa lessons or karaoke night. You may just discover a new favorite hobby or skill that will give you a different direction.
From tension to peace: Transforming your holiday
The contrast between our holiday and everyday selves is not just about what we do, but also how we feel.
Holidays can significantly affect our mental state and move us from tension to calm.
8. Reducing stress levels
When we step away from the daily stress and the constant bombardment of emails and notifications, our cortisol levels drop, our breathing slows down and our mood improves. This transformation is often visible - friends may even say, "You look so relaxed!"
Fact: Vacation is so relaxed that even my hair has stopped frizzing!
9. Mindfulness and presence
Holidays encourage us to live in the present moment. Whether we're enjoying a meal, feeling the sand between our toes, or enjoying a sunset, these moments can help us cultivate a mindfulness habit that benefits our overall well-being.
TIP: Try incorporating mindfulness practice into your daily routine at home, such as taking a few minutes each day to breathe deeply or eating a distraction-free meal.
Reintegration Challenge: Bring the holiday lessons home!
Returning from vacation doesn't have to mean an immediate return to your old self. We can learn a lot from vacation and incorporate some of these qualities into our daily routines.
10. Keeping the holiday sparkle
Try to maintain some of the holiday habits that made you feel great - like continuing to read for pleasure or taking long walks in the evening.
Keeping even a small part of your holiday routine can help maintain a relaxed holiday atmosphere.
I told myself I would continue to live like I was on vacation, so why is my boss calling me on Monday?
11. Think about what made you happy
What aspects of your holiday made you happiest? Was it the lack of a schedule, the social contacts, or perhaps the freedom from judgment?
Find ways to incorporate these elements into your life when you return to reality to increase your happiness and satisfaction.
TIP: Set boundaries at work that will help you maintain a better work-life balance, much like a vacation.
The duality of our holiday selves and our everyday selves is a fascinating reflection of the complexity of women's lives.
It is a balance between duty and freedom, restriction and expression, intimacy and adventure.
Remember that whether you command the boardroom or command the waves, you are incredible just as you are - multi-faceted, dynamic, and unique.
Now where did I put my sunglasses and sunscreen?
So here's to embracing both of our faces with equal enthusiasm and learning from each other to live a happier, more balanced life.
Let's not wait for the holidays to make us feel good - let's bring some of that holiday sparkle home!
How do you experience your holiday and your return home? What do you appreciate most on holiday?
Write, write, write, I'm curious...